Answered By: Alex Wells
Last Updated: May 08, 2020     Views: 52

You can use DegreeCheck to see how close you are to your declared degree.  DegreeCheck is an unofficial audit of your course work to determine whether you are on track for graduation.  It matches your academic history against your degree or certificate requirements in the college catalog.  You can find DegreeCheck in your MyJCCC under the My Records tab.  It's important to note that DegreeCheck automatically runs an audit of the degree you have declared.  If you want to see how the courses you have taken could apply to another degree, use the "What If" option on the left side of the navigation bar.  All of the instructions for logging into MyJCCC and running an audit can be found here.   

Keep in mind that DegreeCheck can occasionally make an error in your audit.  If you see that something is not matching up the way it should, contact Counseling and we can get the issue fixed.