We have access to the Atlantic online through a few of our databases. Issues of the Atlantic Monthly are browsable and searchable through the following library databases:
Full text coverage: Jan 1988 (Vol. 261, no. 1) - present (delayed 5 days)
Full text coverage: Jan 1993 (Vol. 271, no. 1) - present
Full text coverage: May 2014 (Vol. 313, no. 4 - present
Note: This version is great for browsing and reading full issues - it looks just like the print.
Articles that were published on the web and not in the monthly issues are available through our Nexis Uni library database. These are in the Atlantic Online instead of the Atlantic Monthly. There are a few ways to search.
Browse all of the articles available, newest to oldest, or utilize the search options on the left side of the page.
Search for the title or author of an article.
If you need additional help, please ask a librarian.
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